Sweat Your Way to Better Sex! – Your Guide to the Orgasmic Power of Kegels



Kegel exercises are as trendy as rose gold jewelry and hot yoga classes, and for good reason. This simple pelvic floor workout of squeezing and releasing your PC muscles is the key to more intense orgasms, better sex, and a healthier vagina. Doing daily kegels can even help you bounce back from pregnancy or control those little squirts of pee that sneak out when you laugh or sneeze, better known as incontinence.

Kegel repetitions work to tighten the muscles of the pelvic floor and vaginal walls. Though science has long busted the myth that lots of amazing sex or multiple partners will forever leave you loose, the pelvic muscles can lose their tone and strength over time, just like the rest of your body when you cheat on your fitness routine for too long. If you’ve given birth, you’ll also notice a change in the tightness of your vaginal muscles.

All this stuff is totally normal, but your health and pleasure depend on physical fitness to keep your insides in tip-top shape. When those downstairs muscles are properly primed, you’ll enjoy stronger orgasms and more internal pleasure during penetration.

Adding some Kegels to your repertoire is like eating a whole box of chocolate-covered cherries after your regular workout (except orgasms are way better for your body than processed sugars).

Let’s get you started with an easy-peasy Kegel routine, some goodies to spice up your workout, and a little orgasmic game to throw in for motivation.

How the Heck Does a Kegel Work?

You can do a Kegel from wherever you’re sitting or laying down, and that’s what makes them pretty much awesome. Simply clench your vaginal muscles together, kind of like when you’re holding in a fart (yes, really, that’s it!). You’ll feel your butt cheeks and thighs clench up at the same time. To check that you’re doing it right, use those same muscles to stop the flow of urine the next time you’re on the toilet. If the stream stops, you’re doing it right.

Now clench and hold, and see how long you can keep those muscles flexed. Ideally, aim for 5-10 seconds clenched, and then release. Congrats! You’ve done your first Kegel.

Ready, Get Set, Vagina Reps!

Keeping up with your Kegels is no different from any other fitness routine. You’ve got to stick with it on the daily, but thankfully you don’t have to hit the gym. You can do the ol’ squeeze-and-release while sitting at the office, watching a movie, or anywhere that allows you some down time to yourself.

For beginners, start by clenching for 5 seconds, relaxing for 5 seconds, and then repeating this pattern 10 times in sets of 3. Work your way up to clenching for 10 seconds and then relaxing for 10, also aiming for 3 sets of 10 reps.

Twist It Up With Some “Exercise Equipment”

You’ll eventually want to add some resistance to move up to the next level, or maybe you could use a little coaching to get it right. There are all sorts of sexy workout toys to guide your routine or add some light weights to build that kitty into a fierce, dildo-crushing jaguar. (Ok, we’re kidding, you probably won’t crush your sex toy, but your partner will definitely feel the difference.)

Kegel Your Way to an Orgasmic Workout

Once you’ve gotten the kick of Kegel-ing, now comes the fun and games. You can combine your self-pleasure sessions with your daily down-there workout to add in a little reward – orgasms!

Choose a Kegel toy that vibrates as you squeeze, and as you go about your reps, notice how the vibrations ripple through your sacred space. Feel those heavenly vibes stimulate your g-spot and rumble up through your clitoris as you clench. Move your mindset from weightlifting champ to masturbation mode, and enjoy the subtle sensations of the toy as it rocks inside you.

Once you’ve gotten through your usual round of reps, you’ll be all worked up and ready to reach the finish line. Keep going with a few more reps of clench-and-release (or start your Kegel-ciser’s program from the beginning), but this time, slowly massage your clitoris as the Kegel toy’s vibrations bring you to the brink. Hold off for as long as you can, savoring the uniquely subtle pleasure of this deliciously gentle yet deep self-love technique.

When you’re ready, let yourself climax as the Kegel toy gushes forth another 10 second rep of vibration. In this tuned-in state, you’ll feel every last wave as your orgasm matches the toy’s burst of vibes.

Now who said working out has to suck?

Sweat Your Way to Better Sex! – Your Guide to the Orgasmic Power of Kegels By Colleen Godin originally appeared on The Indigo Honey Life

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