Women in Charge: Meet the Female Honchos Shaking Up the Pleasure Biz

The pleasure industry has witnessed a transformative shift as more women have risen to positions of power and ownership throughout the years. Pioneering female company owners broke down barriers and challenged long-standing stereotypes, paving the way for a growing wave of entrepreneurs that have continued to shake things up.

The success stories of the industry’s female business leaders have become a source of inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs across the globe, affirming that determination, talent and ingenuity know no gender boundaries.

Beyond empowering themselves, these trailblazing women have also spearheaded a cultural shift that continues to foster inclusivity and acceptance. Their visionary approaches have contributed to dismantling outdated norms, making space for diverse voices and opening doors for others to follow suit.

Lorals founder Melanie Cristol believes that creating products that reflect women’s sexual health needs can open up conversations regarding inclusivity and pave the way for further growth.

“For too long, there’s been a lack of protective products specifically tailored for women,” she said. “When we highlight the importance of women’s safety and pleasure, we’re sending a clear message that these issues matter and that they deserve to be at the forefront of the industry’s innovation and product development.”

Ducky Doolittle, the managing partner of Enchantasys, believes that building a workforce that reflects the community in which the retailer operates is essential. She interviews every candidate, and part of the process is asking strategic questions about their attitudes and feelings towards other people.

“I look at my stores as the equivalent of a doctor’s office,” she said. “We don’t decline to care for anyone, as long as they also have good intentions when they walk through our doors.”

Lioness co-founder Anna Lee believes that fostering an inclusive and diverse work environment starts at the top.

“Our leadership team is diverse with each co-founder being of a different background,” Lee said. “We also keep one-page guides for all our team members that cover working styles and communication/conflict style. This helps us come together as a team and allows us to discuss collaboration and conflict with open lines of communication while fostering a space where everyone feels they can contribute their best to conversations and projects.”

Companies like Spectrum Boutique, led by founder Zoë Ligon, recognize the value of diversifying their team. Starting out as a one-woman show, Spectrum Boutique now taps into a range of industry experts who share their views on sex and sex toys on the online retailer’s online magazine, Spectrum Journal.

“I think that our online magazine has helped us grow because it has allowed us to work with a bunch of different writers and artists,” she said. “It has been such a joy becoming more of a behind-the-scenes person helping coordinate things, rather than being the sole voice of Spectrum Boutique like I was in the early days.”

Taylor Sparks, sex educator and founder of OrganicLoven.com, says that knowing what it feels like to be marginalized as a woman of color inspires her to seek to collaborate and hire people of color.

“I have been one of the only black women in schools, organizations and companies for most of my life,” she said. “I am always seeking to have another person of color to work with me and build with me and to support them in their goals.”

Honey’s Place CEO and President Bonnie Feingold says she implements various strategies to achieve a diverse and inclusive work environment. This includes promoting diversity in the company’s hiring process, cultural sensitivity discussions and implementation, an open-door policy, and celebrating the unique perspectives and contributions of its diverse team.

“By prioritizing inclusivity, we create a supportive atmosphere where creativity and innovation thrive, benefiting both our team and customers,” she said.

Business Barriers

One of the most significant challenges for female company owners, not only in the pleasure industry but in many sectors, is funding. Access to capital can be limited, making it difficult to start or expand their businesses. Studies have shown that women-owned businesses receive a disproportionately small share of venture capital and traditional funding compared to their male counterparts. This disparity is even more pronounced for women of color. As a result, many women have had to rely on personal savings, bootstrapping, or support from those close to them to get their ventures off the ground.

“Yes, we sell sex toys, but we also offer over 100 books and products specific to women and men’s sexual health and wellness needs, along with luxury adults-only vacations,” Sparks said. “If you are not a white male in this country, getting funding is almost impossible. Women-owned businesses receive less than 7% of funding and only 2% of venture capital funding. For me, it’s not just about being a woman-owned business, but a black woman-owned business. My business will be 10 years old on Oct. 13, and we are among the top 12% of women-owned businesses that earn revenue over $100,000 but still cannot get traditional funding. I’ve had to depend on the financial support of friends and family.”

The nature of the pleasure industry can sometimes make some potential mainstream partners feel awkward. When explaining their products, female execs may encounter individuals who are uncomfortable or dismissive when engaging in discussions related to sex, particularly when led by a woman. To navigate this, Cristol has adopted an approach of normalizing the conversation.

“I discuss our products and mission with the same professionalism and straightforwardness as one would any other business,” she said. “By doing so, I aim to reduce the stigma around these topics and demonstrate that sexual health and wellness are essential aspects of overall well-being, deserving of open, candid conversation.”

Despite the challenges, many female company owners in the industry have found innovative ways to overcome obstacles and achieve success.

‘It is disheartening to witness the reluctance of mainstream banks to associate with anything deemed ‘adult,’” Kama Sutra President Marla Lee said. “Over the years, we have had our long-standing accounts closed with vague explanations that we no longer fit their banking profile. To overcome these challenges, I believe it is crucial to build a robust and supportive network of fellow women entrepreneurs. In my experience, women in this industry have been more open to offering referrals and assistance. By connecting with other women who have already faced similar issues, I was able to assemble a strong team comprising a female CFO, accountant, lender, and banker.”

Carolyn Eagle, founder and CEO of Betty’s Toy Box, also believes in the power of building supportive networks among businesswomen.

“By building relationships with my fellow female entrepreneurs, business owners and reps, I was able to find my space within this industry and have my voice heard,” she said.

One of the significant advantages of having female leadership in the pleasure industry is the perspective they bring to product development and marketing. Female execs often prioritize products and services that cater to women’s needs and experiences, creating a more inclusive and empowering product line.

As the CEO and co-founder of KushKards, Lauren Miele set her sights on creating a line of stationery and gift items primarily tailored for women. Understanding that approximately 80% of consumers in this category are women, Miele focuses on developing novelty products that resonate with their preferences.

“The emotional connection that comes with offering a card line tailored to feminine sensibilities is evident in the heartfelt copy written for the cards,” Miele said. “Having a female perspective not only enables me to cater effectively to the majority of customers but also empowers me to craft products that resonate with their emotions and experiences.”

In the ever-evolving landscape of the pleasure industry, the recognition of different perspectives plays a pivotal role in propelling it forward. As Cristol explains, the industry transcends product sales.

“It’s about promoting sexual wellness and safety,” Cristol said. “So, my aim is to create a dialogue that’s open, respectful and inclusive.”

Many female entrepreneurs in the pleasure industry have demonstrated extraordinary persistence and resilience in the face of adversity. By staying focused on their goals and refusing to give up, they have been able to navigate challenges and achieve success in a predominantly male-dominated space, sometimes using people’s misconceptions about them to their advantage.

“I think people often underestimate me, but I view this as a positive; it’s fun to be on the other side of what people may assume,” Ligon said. “It’s only inspired me to have a deeper and more nuanced understanding of retail, pleasure products, and all the logistics that go into running a store.’

Taking Charge

The rise of female leaders in the pleasure biz has had a transformative impact on the sector. By focusing on offering products and services that cater to a broader range of needs and preferences, female-owned companies have helped break down stereotypes and empower consumers to explore their sexuality without shame or judgment.

The presence of women in the industry has helped challenge traditional perceptions of sex toys. By taking a more refined and sophisticated approach to product development and packaging, today’s female-fronted companies have played a role in reshaping the industry’s image, making it more appealing and welcoming to a broader audience.

“[The pleasure industry] has traditionally been very tailored towards men and their needs,” HighOnLove CEO Angela Mustone said. “I created HighOnLove to empower women and include them in seeking out pleasure because it’s truly a form of wellness and a necessity for living a happy life. Feeling good isn’t something we should shy away from. That’s why HighOnLove promotes a healthy, sex-positive attitude for everyone, with intimacy products designed to make women feel their best, whether solo or with a partner.”

Ernestine Touon Szabo, founder of Impulse Novelties, specifically uses her experience as inspiration to only employ women.

“It is a place where my female team and I come together to create products, making them a part of the process and valuing their opinion,” she said.

The success of female company owners and entrepreneurs serves as a source of inspiration and empowerment for future generations of women. By sharing their stories and experiences, they encourage more women to pursue their passions and overcome barriers in various industries, including the pleasure products sector.

Thao Luu-Brinberg, the co-founder of Nu Sensuelle, hopes that “we continue to flex our knowledge and power and be brazen enough to talk about how pleasure is meant for everyone, regardless of sexual orientation or body type.”

“By supporting and uplifting one another, women can continue to drive positive change and break down barriers for future generations of entrepreneurs,” she said. “Our voices are the conduit to change!”

With a bachelor’s degree in manufacturing engineering, Luu-Brinberg notes that it too is a male-dominated industry.

“Back when I was in university, you rarely saw females studying engineering, computing or science,” she said. “Not to mention, I was born in Asia, and grew up in a traditional household where culturally, girls were expected to be more passive and fill a particular role in society. But I was extremely good at math and science and decided I wanted to study something that challenged what I believed girls were supposed to do. Knowing that very few females were integral members of the engineering field made me feel proud that I was one of the few willing to take on such a challenge.

“My willingness to take risks and question the status quo led me to co-found Nu Sensuelle, allowing me to use my distinct skill set to change this industry,” she added. “My sense of individuality and determination certainly drives the development of all our products and our 10 proprietary motors. My journey highlights the importance of representation and visibility for women in a field where they are underrepresented. By sharing my story, I hope to encourage and empower other women to pursue their passions and dreams, regardless of societal expectations. We can only get better if we inspire and support each other.”

Considering the current state of the industry, Doolittle believes that there are now fewer obstacles for women than ever before. This progressive trend is a testament to the strength and determination of female entrepreneurs and leaders, who have been breaking barriers and reshaping the landscape.

“More women own their stake than ever before,” she said. “There are still some companies that don’t see women for all their potential. I just choose not to engage with those brands.”

Doolittle’s outlook exemplifies the confidence and resilience that female leaders exhibit in the face of any lingering challenges. As the industry evolves, it becomes increasingly evident that women are leaving their indelible mark, transforming perceptions, and demanding the respect they rightfully deserve. With each passing day, their voices grow stronger, amplifying a collective determination to create an inclusive, empowering, and forward-looking industry where women thrive, making significant contributions that benefit all.

Empowering Women in Business

Behind many pleasure industry businesswomen, there are women within their organizations and the broader industry empowering and uplifting them. Knowing the importance of creating a supportive and inclusive work culture, providing opportunities for growth and advancement, and offering guidance and mentorship, today’s female leaders are using experiences and achievements as a source of inspiration for aspiring professionals.

Being mentored by adult retail pioneer Phyllis Heppenstall helped to launch Dawn Phillips as a business owner.

“I learned from best,” she said. “Prior to starting Ball & Chain in 2003, I worked for two very smart and powerful women business owners. They owned and operated what I call an adult retail empire, which was predominantly all women employees in the beginning. My 15 years working with them was my stepping stone to where I am today. Phyllis, the owner, worked hard to train and empower her salespeople to become successful.”

Manon Vallee, VP and co-founder of Shunga, believes in allowing employees to work at their own pace and in their unique ways. The approach of recognizing individual strengths and providing a supportive work environment enables women to excel in their roles.

“It is interesting to see what comes out when you allow people to develop to their full potential,” Valle said. “We always have pleasant surprises when our employees feel valued.”

Miele emphasizes the importance of women supporting one another in the industry.

“I have cultivated meaningful relationships with fellow women in this industry, and together, we provide unwavering emotional support,” she said. “This sisterhood is truly invaluable, as we lift each other up, share experiences, and stand strong as a united force.”

Chelsea Downs, co-founder of New York Toy Collective (NYTC), understands the significance of supporting individuals on their career journey. Within NYTC and the broader industry, Downs provides direct feedback and fosters connections to help others progress in their professional lives.

“NYTC is known for being overtly queer and trans competent, so we attract a lot of queer talent,” Downs said. “People choose to work for the NYTC because they know they will be able to express themselves safely and freely. Also, since I’m a queer, BIPOC founder, I think people know coming in that diversity is part of the package.”

Coming from an engineering background where women were rarely seen in leadership positions, Lee finds immense pride in leading a company with a majority women-run and led team. By removing roadblocks, encouraging creativity, and offering guidance, she encourages every member of the team to reach their full potential.

“I am proud to say around 78% of our team identify as women and they are all truly the best people that I thankfully get to work with on a daily basis,” she said. “Of course, I feel this for the entire team, but there’s something so special about leading a company with a majority women-run and led team. Having gone to school for engineering and working at an engineering corporation, I rarely got to see women lead projects and teams. At Lioness, almost all the women on our team have been with us for a minimum of three years, and seeing them grow in their roles from intern to senior roles while leading initiatives has been one of the most rewarding aspects of my job.”

Mustone, CEO of HighOnLove, actively seeks win-win situations where she can promote other women’s businesses. By fostering partnerships and collaborations, she uplifts and supports other women within the industry.

“Supporting other women comes naturally to me,” she said. “I thrive off partnerships.”

Moreover, Ligon focuses on spotting and addressing double standards, ensuring that everyone gets a chance to express themselves and be heard.

“If someone I’m talking with gets cut off or talked over by someone interrupting, I ask them to please finish their thought,” she said. “That’s just one general example, but it makes a difference. I try my best to put myself in someone else’s shoes, without trying to think or speak for them. I think it’s important to check in with someone before doing or saying anything on someone’s behalf, even if it seems like a given to you. Respecting and empowering others is not about doing what you think is right for them, it’s about creating an environment where everyone can advocate for themselves and set their own boundaries without fear. Give support to someone in a way that is suited for them, not you.”

For women to get ahead in the pleasure biz, knowledge is power, and oftentimes that knowledge is passed along by another female entrepreneur.

“I strongly believe in educating my staff, whether its product education, sexual health seminars, sex educator certification, or learning the ins and outs of Shopify and ecommerce. If you’re willing to learn, then I’m willing to teach. Within our overall industry, I am often a cheerleader and supporter of other women whether they’re my direct competition, a sales rep, or manufacturer. I love seeing what other women are doing in this industry and often draw inspiration from their determination and perseverance.”

Rouge Garments co-founder Farah Shaikh also offers her expertise to up-and-coming female entrepreneurs.

“I offer my support to all women who want to start a business and watch it grow and to share information on what works and what doesn’t, etc., and help them feel safe,” she said. “It’s a big and scary venture starting off new and there’s lots of things to take into consideration, so if I can help and support other women as others did for me, then I’m game!”

The women of Nu Sensuelle can turn to Luu-Brinberg for mentorship.

“I pride myself on mentorship by empowering the women on my team to recognize their ability and potential, ultimately creating confident leaders who, consequently, inspire others, creating a more equitable future for all,” she said.

Joyboxx founder and CEO Deborah Semer believes that women will rise to the occasion when they’re given “mission-critical” tasks.

“I listen and hear them and treat them as equals, especially my international business partners,” she said.

Redefining Success

In the world of business, success is often measured by numbers. However, female entrepreneurs in the adult industry are redefining what success means to them as they bask in the personal fulfillment of making a difference in people’s lives and breaking down societal stigmas.

“For me, success isn’t solely about sales or profits,” Cristol said. “It’s about making a genuine difference in people’s lives, breaking down stigmas, and bringing sexual health and pleasure into the mainstream conversation. As a female company owner, success means knowing that our products have not only offered physical protection but also empowered individuals to own their pleasure safely and confidently.”

For Dawn Phillips, founder of Ball & Chain, success is a multifaceted concept.

“I have been very blessed, and I just love what I do. Creating something from scratch and watching it come to life and become a successful product was one of the most rewarding parts of my work,” she said. “Being a single parent, then being able to pay for my daughter’s school nursing loans to set her on a positive road, that was a major success. I’ve met so many awesome people in the industry, some who have become my very best of friends, that is success. I also have the most wonderful, hardworking distributors, who still love my products, some who have supported me from the very beginning and without them Ball & Chain would not exist.”

Ligon finds success in the continued growth and impact of her business.

“Honestly, each year and month we continue to ship sex toys out to people is a success to me,” she said. “Communication, collaboration and creativity are some of my most treasured values in teamwork, and if that’s all flowing, I’m a happy camper!”

Taylor Sparks also sees success as a combination of factors.

“I am currently the largest BIPOC-owned online intimacy shop and success to me means to be able to continue to curate the best organic and eco-friendly products and introduce them to my clients,” she said. “To be able to educate my clients on holistic sexuality and sexual wellness. I enjoy when people have the ‘aha’ moment about a better way to enjoy their pleasures. I am also seeking to make my first seven figures. However, I already feel successful as I have built a life and business that allows me to travel all over the world … and talk about pussy! I get to present my seminars, coach and sell my products on adults only cruises, hotel takeovers, sex expos and conferences around the world.”

For Valle, success is obtained when there’s a balance between her professional and personal life, however, she remains focused on business noting that success can be measured by the strong partnerships Shunga maintains with its clients and suppliers to build a sustainable business over time.

“[Success] also involves inspiring other women to pursue their entrepreneurial passion,” she said.

As she’s evolving as a businessowner, Miele also find that success is tied to the art of cultivating meaningful relationships.

“In the present, success is about creating and nurturing connections with buyers, distributors and retailers on a personal level,” she said. “The emphasis lies in getting to know them as individuals, understanding their needs, and building a bond that goes beyond mere transactions.”

Carolyn Eagle, founder and CEO of Betty’s Toy Box, believes that success as a female company owner comes in various forms. Being a voice for change, being asked for opinions, and being nominated for awards are all achievements that signify success to her.

“I also measure success by being able to accomplish all these things while also being open about being a mother, a partner, and a woman of a ‘certain age,’” she said. “I will never hide who I am in order to earn somebody’s respect or attention. To me, that’s success.”

Deborah Semer, founder and CEO of Joyboxx, says that she’s long considered simply surviving the entrepreneurial journey as a sign of success.

“Now success means the ‘fempire’ thriving, making money and having fun,” she said.

Luu-Brinberg believes that success is found in overall happiness and balance in life.

“In the present, success is about creating and nurturing connections with buyers, distributors and retailers on a personal level,” she said. “The emphasis lies in getting to know them as individuals, understanding their needs, and building a bond that goes beyond mere transactions.”

Future Is Female

From developing new pleasure products and marketing to embracing cutting-edge technologies, today’s businesswomen are harnessing their creativity and determination to drive their companies forward.

Vallee shared that Shunga is constantly creating new ideas for unique products. One of the popular new creations is the Shunga Intimate Massagers line. Shunga also plans to release new products this coming fall.

“But the most exciting part is that my daughter Kim Chanel [Vallee-Séguin] is taking on more and more responsibilities within the company, and soon she will be taking the reins,” she said. “It’s fantastic to have her with us and to be able to leave a positive legacy for future generations.”

Miele announced that KushKards is collaborating with Rock Candy Toys to attach discreet bullet vibrators to her greeting cards, creating the ultimate “gift with a lift!”

“Since the introduction of NaughtyKards, I always envisioned attaching a discreet bullet vibrator, perfectly suited for our target customers,” Miele said. “The alignment between Rock Candy’s branding, vibe and messaging exceeded my expectations, elevating the collection to new heights.”

The NaughtyVibes Greeting Card series includes bold sayings like “Dick Don’t Kill MY Vibe” and more novelty phrases like, “Think Less, Vibe More.”

“Working with Tracy [Leone] and Jackie [Richerson], inspiring women leaders in the industry, has been an absolute pleasure,” she said. “Their dedication to sex toy education has been invaluable in guiding this project forward.”

Doolittle says she’s excited about the growth of Enchantasys.

“With the help of my business partners, I have opened two stores in less than a year, so my current goals are to continue to strengthen my team, connect with my communities, and show Arkansas what a warmhearted, non-judgmental environment looks and feels like,” she said. “I’m enjoying this place that I am in at this very moment. The future is bright and I am sure there is more goodness to come.”

Lee revealed new plans for their Pleasure Quotient Scale. Based on 150,000 Lioness datasets collected over time, the algorithm places masturbation sessions into a pleasure levels category, similar to the Intelligence Quotient (IQ) Scale. Lee also shared the news that Lioness is expanding sales across all of Europe.

“When using the PQ Scale, users will see a rocket ship soar through the sky and land within 10 different pleasure levels where they can understand which factors affect their PQ Scale, i.e., multiple orgasms, really long orgasms, a lot of session tags, etc.,” she said.

HighOnLove also is expanding into Europe. With attendance at major trade shows and meetings with new buyers, Mustone says she plans to increase the brand’s presence worldwide.

Women in the pleasure biz are also expanding their brands in other ways. Ligon says that Spectrum is creating new in-house items to be released shortly.

Eagle recently launched Pleasure Curve, an online sex toy and pleasure boutique specifically geared towards plus-sized bodies.

“It’s a space we feel this industry largely ignores and, being a plus-sized woman myself, I wanted a space where other people of size could find toys that work with their bodies and needs,” she said.

Luu-Brinberg shared news of Nu Sensuelle’s new Lyra Panty Vibe that can be controlled at a distance by its remote or a smart device through the Nu Sensuelle Remote App.

“We are thrilled for the Lyra to hit the shelves, as it is a revolutionary way to stay intimately bonded with your partner despite being in different locations,” she said. As you know, connectivity and intimacy are a cornerstone of our brand, and this product absolutely brings that concept to life.”

Shaikh revealed Rouge Garments’ plans to venture beyond the leather bondage and medical play products that it’s known for.

“We plan to include different types of adult products and expand our ever-growing catalogue with fresh and exciting products, which we will be rolling out very soon,” she said.

With a recently published book called “An African-American Guide to Ethical Non-Monogamy. The How, Why and With Whom to Explore Your Expanding Love Styles,” Sparks says that her coaching practice for those interested in ethical non-monogamy is growing.

“I’m now providing content for SDC.com and Kasidie.com, two of the larger swinger sites in the U.S.,” she said. “I still contribute as an erotic educator (sex expert) to media such as Cosmopolitan, Men’s Health and Women’s Health.”

Joyboxx’s founder and CEO Deborah Semer is preparing to release the 10th-anniversary edition of Joyboxx with Joybuff, a reusable, silicone sex toy cleaning tool. She is also partnering with brands and bands like Gay C/DC to customize Joyboxx for a cause and create Joyboxx bundles with their own pleasure product lines.

This year marks Ball & Chain’s 20th anniversary and Phillips says semi-retirement is just around the corner.

“It’s been a long 35 years in the adult industry but I’m not ready to leave just yet,” she said. “I am currently in the process of building a shop/office next to my home and I will continue to keep my business going for several more years.”

While the pandemic forced Ball & Chain to eliminate all its bachelorette lines, Phillips says she’s re-creating it.

“I will now only offer a small selection of my best-selling sex and romance games,” she said. “I have just released two new IOU Bedroom Bucks coupon books, just in time for holiday stocking stuffers.”

The rise of female company owners is rewriting the narrative of the industry, once thought to be exclusively dominated by men. Overcoming funding challenges, breaking through gender biases, and navigating uncomfortable conversations, female entrepreneurs have proven their resilience and determination. Through perseverance, innovative approaches, and a commitment to inclusivity, female company owners will continue to play a leading role in shaping the landscape of the industry, driving positive change, and inspiring others to follow in their footsteps.

Women in Charge: Meet the Female Honchos Shaking Up the Pleasure Biz by Ariana Rodriguez and Carly S. originally appeared in XBIZ

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