Tips for Boosting Ecommerce Revenue With Behavioral Insights

At our marketing agency, we focus on using real data to make better decisions for our clients. We believe every action a visitor takes on a website can tell us something important. This helps us shape our strategies and assist our clients in turning casual website visitors into loyal customers. Let’s examine how understanding human behavior is key to improving your website’s effectiveness and optimizing its performance through conversion rate optimization (CRO).

Insights From Behavioral Data and Feedback Strategies

Behavioral data encompasses any action a visitor takes while interacting with your website, including what they view, where they click, modifications made and the time spent engaging with different sections. This comprehensive dataset not only reveals user behavior, but also delves into the underlying reasons and motivations driving it. By analyzing and understanding your users’ behavior, you gain access to valuable information, allowing you to identify patterns, comprehend user preferences and make informed decisions to enhance the overall user experience and optimize your digital strategies and activations. For example, you can utilize heatmaps to pinpoint areas of frequent user interaction.

You can also collect user feedback through surveys, but bear in mind that while user feedback is invaluable for refining your website’s user experience, it is inherently subjective. Directly questioning users poses a risk that their responses may unintentionally align with perceived expectations, thus introducing potential bias. This underscores the importance of combining qualitative insights with quantitative data to ensure a comprehensive understanding of your users’ behavior.

Collectively, these measures not only reveal areas for improvement, but also assist in determining which changes can yield the most significant impact with minimal effort.

Conversion Rate Optimization

After identifying your site’s strengths, pinpointing pain points and understanding your customers’ needs through behavioral analysis, the next step is conversion rate optimization (CRO). The primary aim of CRO is to encourage more users to take desired actions on your website, such as making a purchase, signing up for a service or completing a form. If your website attracts thousands of visitors each day but has a low conversion rate, this signals an opportunity for improvement — precisely what CRO is designed to address.

CRO can take various forms, depending on whether your immediate objective is to boost sales, enhance user engagement or improve website usability. Clearly defining your goal lays the foundation for creating effective strategies and accurately measuring success.

An example: We partnered with a sexual wellness client aiming to boost profits and expand the brand globally. After reviewing analytics data, we observed that although visitors spent considerable time on product pages, they often left without making a purchase. To address this, we introduced “social proof” through subtle nudges like pop-ups displaying recent purchases by other customers. This simple change significantly increased revenue by over 8%, building trust and influencing purchasing decisions by showcasing the popularity of products among fellow shoppers — if others are buying it, then it must be worthwhile.

Another client’s website featured “Buy Now” buttons, reminiscent of Apple Pay, but those seemed to discourage users from exploring other products, and to make them feel rushed into making instant, final purchases. To address this perception, we conducted “A/B” testing, comparing the efficacy of labeling the button “Buy Now” versus labeling it “Add to Cart.” The distinction lies in the psychological impact. “Add to Cart” suggests the start of the purchase journey, offering users a sense of flexibility and control. The results revealed a significant 22.56% improvement in less than three weeks, with visitors adding a product to their cart instead of taking no action at all. This demonstrates that even subtle changes, such as modifying call-to-action buttons, can have a profound impact on user experience and overall business performance.

Visual Storytelling and Emotional Resonance

When was the last time you took a step back to assess your website’s visuals? While a clean backdrop is often the default for showcasing products, research underscores the pivotal role of color in eliciting emotions that drive purchasing decisions. For a sex toy brand seeking an edge, consider a multivariate test, which tests various page elements in various combinations. Experimenting with neutral or natural backgrounds can evoke sustainability. Introducing a human touch, like a hand holding the product, may seem subtle but holds immense potential, boosting the likelihood of a purchase by 16%. This strategy taps into the psychology of ownership bias, where people value items more when they feel a sense of possession. It’s not merely about displaying the product; it is about constructing a compelling narrative and forging a connection through thoughtful visual representation.

Another example: We assisted a sexual wellness client whose primary customer base is men. Initially, the site’s product descriptions were highly technical. To enhance the connection with customers, we conducted an experiment by adjusting some descriptions to focus more on the emotional experience of using the product. This approach resulted in an impressive 52.51% increase in sales, highlighting the significant power of connecting with customers on a personal and emotional level.

Practice Makes Perfect

In a digital landscape increasingly crowded with brands sharing your space, the adjustments mentioned above are just the beginning when it comes to exploring your options. Conversion rate optimization hinges on understanding how users interact with your website and making incremental changes to enhance their experience, ultimately improving sales. Keep in mind that even the subtlest modifications can wield a profound impact on your brand’s success.

Remember that CRO experiments are about learning. Don’t hesitate to experiment, but stay focused on figuring out which changes could improve your CRO. Celebrate successes, glean insights from failures, and keep a running tally of your cumulative gains to track the value CRO can provide. This approach, rooted in data and analytics, will help you optimize your website and refine the user experience.

Tips for Boosting Ecommerce Revenue With Behavioral Insights by Lauren Bailey originally appeared in XBIZ.

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