Magic Wand, Cosmopolitan Talk Counterfeit Pleasure Products

Magic Wand, Cosmopolitan Talk Counterfeit Pleasure Products

 Magic Wand VP Shay Martin discussed counterfeit pleasure products, and how to identify fakes in the marketplace, for the September issue of Cosmopolitan.

Martin’s interview, “How to Spot a Counterfeit in the Wild,” is part of a larger piece titled “How to Navigate the New Landscape of Everyone’s-Doing-It Sex Toylandia” by Carina Hsieh and Taylor Andrews.

“Counterfeit pleasure products impact far more than a manufacturer’s bottom line. From health risks to negative press, counterfeit products are a significant issue impacting the industry — and virtually unknown to consumers,” a rep explained.

“Vibratex is the exclusive North American distributor of the Magic Wand brand — one of a handful of sex toy lines consumers ask for by name,” continued the rep. “This demand makes Magic Wand a big target for counterfeiters, rendering Martin an expert on this specific issue.”

In her full interview, Martin said that the “scariest aspect” of counterfeit sex toys is that “anything’s possible.”

“We hear from consumers who are dissatisfied with purchases and completely unaware that sex toy fakes are even possible,” Martin explained. “We were happy to share some insights with Cosmopolitan in the hopes of helping people avoid disappointment — and even danger.”

“We’ve seen everything from unsafe electrical components that overheat to silicone and rubber materials that literally smell harmful. The unpredictable nature is what worries us most,” Martin continued.

Martin offered a list of “key checkpoints to consider” if consumers are unsure about a product, and noted they are unlikely to find fakes in brick-and-mortar locations as reputable retailers are notably thorough about vetting their product in advance.

Her reference points include “asking the relevant salesperson what they know about the toy and brand, inspecting the product box and packaging and — smell it.”

“Does the product smell like chemicals? If so, put it down and move on,” Martin quipped. She also discussed “the allure of large online marketplaces,” and advised consumers to stick with authorized sellers and “avert your eyes from the sites with the super-low prices”

Find the complete article here.

Magic Wand, Cosmopolitan Talk Counterfeit Pleasure Products by JC Adams originally appeared in XBIZ

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