How to Expand Retail Sales With BDSM Essentials

These days, BDSM is more popular than ever, and with so many products to choose from, some adult retailers can feel overwhelmed figuring out what kind of kinky stuff to stock in their stores. And while everyone starts somewhere, it’s essential to sell more than simply beginner-level gear — because a beginner only stays a beginner for so long! Today we’re going to talk about stocking your shop to satisfy all experience and curiosity levels and maybe even help your “vanilla” customers explore their kinky sides!

Start with the basics

Let’s be honest, some BDSM items are tried-and-true basics that would be right at home in any sex shop or lingerie boutique. You probably already have them in stock! These would include blindfolds and sensory play items like feather ticklers. And who doesn’t love fur handcuffs? While we’re talking restraints, sets that easily turn any bed into a sexy home dungeon-like restraint systems appeal to a wide range of shoppers.

Mix it up

We’ve covered the basics, and now it’s time to add a bit more variety. Nipple play implements as well as ball gags are easy additions to any store and make it easy for shoppers to level up their sensory play game. Add in some harnesses, sex swings and sensory play items that are higher quality and made to last well into users’ exploration journeys. Plus, displayed together with some creative mannequin placement, these items make an incredibly eye-catching BDSM display!

When shoppers are exploring something new, kits allow them to try out several items in one purchase, an ideal choice for folks on a budget. Keep a few kits on hand to help your shoppers explore.

Take It to the Next Level

Now it’s time to consider stocking larger BDSM pieces as well as items that cater to specific fetishes, such as items for shoppers who are interested in puppy play. These types of products help you hold on to your customers when they are ready to take their BDSM play to the next level and cater to a range of interests and curiosities in order to accommodate all the kinky folks in your community.

If You Stock It, They Will Come

Lots of folks find the things they like and stick with them. That’s why it can be daunting for a shop with a more “vanilla” type of clientele to set about building a selection of BDSM offerings. But by keeping a healthy stock of BDSM basics on hand from as many kinky categories as you can, you can give your customers the opportunity to learn and explore — something they’ll appreciate. Shoppers who, in the past, may have felt the need to brave a completely different kind of establishment to satisfy their BDSM curiosities will be able to start their experimentation in a shop they are already comfortable with, and you will get to keep your customers coming back for more.

How to Expand Retail Sales With BDSM Essentials by Rebecca Weinberg originally appeared in XBIZ

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