How Sustainability Yields ROI for Pleasure Brands and Their Retailers

Sexual wellness brands are increasingly adopting eco-conscious and sustainable practices. Many are switching to more Earth-friendly materials, reducing packaging waste and making efforts to lower energy consumption, water consumption and carbon emissions.

Of course, the pleasure sector is hardly the only industry where “going green” has become a trend. Across all market sectors, consumers today are more eco-conscious than ever — and it’s more than just an Earth Day fad. A Nielsen report indicates that 66% of global consumers — younger demographics in particular — are willing to spend more on a product if it comes from a sustainable brand, and 81% believe corporations have a responsibility to help improve the environment.

This offers an opportunity not only for pleasure manufacturers, but also for the distributors and retailers that promote and stock their products, as well as other companies that provide services in the adult sector. As a PR and communications agency, we are committed to working only with brands that implement ethical and sustainable business practices — and we believe that adult retailers and distributors can benefit from doing the same. However, many businesses still wonder: Is the ROI really worth it when it comes to partnering exclusively with sustainable brands?

The answer is yes. Here are some reasons why.

The business value of sustainability

As the sex toy industry increasingly crosses over with health and wellness, pleasure products are subject to greater mainstream exposure and scrutiny. That means the pressure is on for adult companies to demonstrate that they are providing products and services in an ethical manner. The stats show demand for green sexual wellness products, which offers adult brands and sellers a golden opportunity to tap into these evolving customer values.

Consumers are aware that cutting corners and manufacturing abroad can have negative implications. Conversely, they are impressed when companies’ manufacturing practices minimize their carbon footprint. Brands and stores that set themselves apart as ethical and environmentally conscious can therefore win over and boost customer loyalty among Gen Zers and millennials, attract positive media attention and strengthen stakeholder relationships.

Due to upfront costs, many companies are understandably hesitant about adopting eco-friendly practices. But in the long run, such practices can drastically save brands money through efficiency, energy-saving manufacturing initiatives and reputation preservation. This makes going green an investment that pays off by enhancing a brand’s profits, achievements and rep. By making sustainable practices the gold standard for partnering with manufacturers and brands, retailers can encourage more companies to take that plunge.

The importance of corporate social responsibility

Customers shouldn’t have to feel guilty about shopping. As businesses, we possess the power to create a meaningful transformation in our industry. By addressing problems that stem from outdated or irresponsible manufacturing practices, we can demonstrate an authentic commitment to corporate social responsibility. Working with sustainable sex toy brands is a way to contribute positively to this global movement and use our influence to promote practices and products that are good for people and the planet.

A win-win scenario

With the prospect of financial gains, enhanced reputation, risk mitigation and long-term viability, it’s clear that brands committed to sustainability stand to benefit greatly from minimizing environmental risks by replacing hard-to-recycle materials and ecosystem-damaging manufacturing processes. Likewise, retailers, distributors and other industry players that partner with sustainable brands can help make a difference while also helping themselves and their bottom line. Sustainability isn’t just a moral choice; it’s also a strategic business decision with profound implications for the success of the entire sexual wellness industry.

How Sustainability Yields ROI for Pleasure Brands and Their Retailers by Kathryn Byberg originally appeared in XBIZ

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